Saturday, April 14, 2012

Winter is gone now for another year, but at least I will always have special memories like Boo in this picture all bundled up on one of the last winter days!

Here I was packing up all of the winter clothing and Boo decided to help me......we had so much fun dressing up in the different hats and mitts and scarfs!  Boo laughed every time I would put on a hat that was too small for me.  This activity lasted about 45 minutes before I finally got everything packed away in the totes!

Go see The homeschool creations blog  for more moments to remember.

..................Another outing at the mall!..................

We went to the play area again at the mall with Boo, Dino and the foster girls.  The girls had a blast while Dino tried to have fun but with so many little toddlers running around he had to be really careful and was limited in what he could do.  He buried himself in some of the large soft blocks and played peek-a-boo with the little ones.

It is hard to keep track of four toddlers at a time but it is well worth it seeing how much fun the girls had!  It also helps when you have an awesome husband there to help, Daniel helps me with the kids whenever he is not busy with his business.  He is great and I couldn't imagine life without him, I thank God every day for my wonderful husband and children!

It is amazing seeing how much Boo has progressed in her gross motor skills.  I remember when she couldn't even make it up one block step and now she is walking up them and practicing her balance! 

For some great Tot School ideas go to 1+1+1=1.

Monday, April 9, 2012

...............Dino destroys our telephones!!!...............

Yes, Dino totally destroyed our telephones because they didn't work anymore and we got new ones!!!  He had so much fun learning how cordless telephones are made and at the very end smashing them with a hammer just for the heck of it!

Even his Dad joined in helping to take them apart using screwdrivers and pliers and other tools.

Dino enjoyed this activity for almost two hours and I think this was a great experience for him.  I hope to find some more things around the house that he can take apart and experiment with in the future.

.....................Oops forgot about the ice!.....................

I totally forgot to post the pictures from our melting ice activity!


Dino, Boo and the three other girls really enjoyed this activity.  Dino had  some real tools like a screwdriver and a hammer while the girls used spoons to chip away at the ice. 

The girls were really excited to find the jewel rocks in the ice as it melted!  I gave them each a container to put their jewels in.

Boo wandered over to check out Dino's melting ice and offered her help.


The girls practised saying the word cold in French and English as well as the words water and jewel in both languages!  This was a great activity which I will be using again in the summer when it is warmer except I will choose some different things to put inside the ice for a change and we will do it outside!

For more great Tot School ideas visit 1+1+1=1