Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tot School and I didn't even know it!

Tot School

Boo is not feeling too well today, so we are just going to spend some time cuddling together and doing quiet activities. 

Since I won't have any pics of Boo today I thought I would share some of Dino's younger pics with you.  Its funny, I was looking at pictures of Dino from when he was one and two years old and we still lived in Regina, Saskatchewan and I realized that I did do Tot School with him and just didn't notice! 

Here Dino was one years old, he loves painting and often did body painting and balloon painting.  I remember this particular time when I gave him his bath afterwards the water was very colorful!

In this picture Dino plugged the frying pan into a storage drawer and made me a supper full of yummy vegetables, looks like he even cooked the cutting board......oops!

Here Dino is doing some finger painting on tinfoil that I taped to the table so it wouldn't slide all overthe place.

The following pictures are of Dino when he was two years old, in this picture he made a dinosaur out of floam and playdough.

Dino playing outside with his trucks and diggers!

Dino loves to get dirty!

How can you tell he likes dinosaurs, he did all these puzzles on his own, and I remember that it took days before he decided to take them apart and put them away!

Getting some exercise cutting the grass!

Playing in the bus!

So as you can see I have really been doing Tot School with my kids since Dino was really little.

If you want some excellent Tot School ideas, why not go to this great site filled with awesome ideas and printables: http://1plus1plus1equals1.blogspot.com/

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