Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekend fun again!

I love the weekends because Dino and Boo have more time to spend together since Dino is not at school.  We had an extra long weekend this week because Dino didn't have school on Friday.

We brought in the exersaucer from the garage for Boo's nephew who came to visit for the day.  She tested it out for him first to make sure it would be fun enough for him!!!!   She didn't play with the toys on it much, but did a lot of jumping.

Here is Boo's nephew Monkey, who is 6 months old, he likes coming over and playing with Boo's toys.

Awwww so cute, Boo giving Monkey a hug goodbye!!!!!

Boo coloring with her dry erase board and crayons.

Dino making homemade french fries!!!!!

Dino peeling the potatoes for the French Fries....

he is growing up so fast, lately he has been helping out a lot in the kitchen and really enjoys it.  This week he even asked me if he could take some cooking classes, so I will be looking for a cooking class for him this week.

Dino has been saving lids from all different sorts of containers, he counted them today and he already has 25.  He likes to spin them and kick or throw them on the kitchen floor and try to get them to land on a line for points.  He introduced them to Boo this weekend and she loved them, I think she played with them about five different times the last couple of days.

We put them in a diaper wipe container so she could push them through the hole on top, Dino is showing her how to do it.

I love how they are getting along so well here.

Boo is concentrating really hard.

Here Dino is making colored rice, I used to make it for him when he was little.  I put rice in a ziploc bag and add 2 teaspoons of rubbing alcohol and some food coloring.

Even Boo joined in to help out!

She started scooping rice into the baggie with the spoon but ended up using her fingers.

Dino scooped the rice out right from the bag, he started using a big spoon but that took too long so he changed to a small cup.

I think their favourite part was mixing and shaking the rice.  We used red, purple, pink and white colors as this is going to be for our Valentine sensory bin.

I let Dino mix the rice around so it would dry out faster and he made a volcano and said that instead of lava coming out of it, it was love.......I thought this was so sweet, I even got tears in my eyes!!!!!

We played with mega blocks for awhile, but Boo wasn't too interested in this today.

Dino was a lot more interested, he built a track for his mega blocks vehicles and raced them around in it.

Boo wandered away from the blocks and found her brother's light up shark slippers, so I put them on her and she went for a cruise.

She really liked when the eyes lit up.

Boo did decide to help us clean up the blocks.

She even put on the lid!

Dino back in the kitchen making muffins.

I am so glad to see him interested in new things, he really enjoys working in the kitchen.

The best part is always licking out the bowl.......mmmmmmmm!!!

Boo loves to dance, she found her shakers and started dancing and singing while shaking them.

Boo was having trouble waiting for supper, so I brought out some old magazines and a big empty container.  She started off just throwing the paper into the bucket.

After awhile I showed her how to tear the paper, but I had to start it off for her because it was too difficult for her.  I think next time I will give her newspaper instead of magazines because I think it will be much easier for her to tear herself.

She did this for a long time and really liked it.

Dino joined in and decided to make it rain magazines.....Boo really liked this!

We filled up some containers of water and I put some food coloring in it and had Boo stirred it up.

Boo loves mixing things with spoons.

She added some play stones and jewels to it and stirred them up!

She added more stone and jewels to the other containers and then we put them in the freezer.  We will be adding another color layer to this and then I am going to set it out for her one day to watch it melt and find the stones and jewels hidden in it!

This is Boos first time playing with Mr Potato head, she played for about 15 minutes but had me put most of the pieces in for her.

This is how Boo came out of her room one afternoon, I guess its time to start a dress up container!

Boo has been playing more with the big exercise ball outside, at first see was scared of it.....

Now she loves it, she pushes it around and kicks it too!

For some great homeschool ideas go visit Homeschool Creations.

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